Compass + Tool
Using Compass + will help you to:
Assess – Assess your school’s careers provision against the Gatsby Benchmarks
Save time and plan with ease – Quickly and easily map out your careers programme for the academic year
Be more strategic and targeted – Create custom cohorts so you can target relevant careers interventions to the students most in need
Measure and monitor effectively – Create detailed reports and data visualisations to monitor performance and track student individual students’ careers interests and intended destinations (what they plan to do after leaving school)
Collaborate with colleagues – Encourage collaboration by allowing your colleagues to contribute to careers education programme
Reach and build a wider network – Receive intelligent provider recommendations for activities and store details of career partners / employers and contacts that can support your school with careers events
Download – Download key information into reports, for the following purposes:
- For analysis and reporting within their school
- To provide data to local authorities to support them in their statutory duty to record the intended destinations of 16-year olds
- To provide systematic records to each student of the individual advice given to them as recommended in the Gatsby Benchmarks
The Careers and Enterprise Company lists the benefits of Compass Plus here.